Ashoka Schools
Sudipta Dutta

Mrs. Sudipta Dutta


"The dream is not what you see in sleep, Dream is which does not let you to sleep."

We at Ashoka Global Academy strive to nurture the power to dream and dream big. Here our students and staff together strive to achieve what we dream of, as an institution. Our primary goal is to create individuals with an open mind who can make a difference in the lives of others. It is our endeavour to instil a culture of innovation and creativity. Our aim is to prepare our students for the world that is Volatile, Uncertain, Challenging and Ambiguous (VUCA).

Thus, our students are being prepared for a world that demands higher— and arguably, different—levels of knowledge and skills than ever before. Striving to achieve Excellence in Education, we have been crowned as the Best Emerging School of the Year, Western Zone by the Indian Education Awards 2019. So we welcome with open arms every individual who is willing to embark into this enriching journey with us.

Anuttama Pandit

Mrs. Anuttama Pandit

(Vice Principal)

Ashoka Global Academy was basically conceived with an intention of bringing a revolutionary change into the world of Education. With the changing time it becomes very essential to prepare students to face life. The curiosity of the young learners has crossed the realm of knowledge treading unforeseen paths and unleashing a whole new world of creativity

We wish to offer and provide opportunities to every child & bring out the best in them. We want the students to learn lessons beyond the four walls of a classroom and allow their tender minds to feel and smell the beautiful nature, explore their potentials, fall, rise, grow and simultaneously nurture them into good human beings.

Here’s many more successful years ahead – contributing responsible, sensitive youths rather than merely literate ones to the society. I am sure, that the steps leading in this direction will surely take us on the path of glory & success!!!